Monday, November 18, 2013

Wolchusan Mountain

We went for a hike.
Little did we know, this hike is for experts. Jamie, our two Brit friends, and I start walking up the hill to the base of the mountain. All the Korean people were already walking back down since we had started sometime around 2pm. We were giggling a bit at how dressed up all these people were. I mean they looked like intense hikers. They were blowing pressurized air on their boots, had matching coats and spandex pants, walking poles, music coming from their backpacks... everything. Us waygooks (foreigners) were wandering up the hill that we all expected to be Gatineau hill type of hike (maybe harder) and the three of them all smoking their cigarettes. Being already tired and really out of shape I made a joke how I was glad that at least I was doing this trek with a bunch of smokers.
Suffice to say we were not at all prepared and were in for quite the surprise when the rocky path turned into stairs and then to piles of rocks, ladders, and rocks with metal poles stuck in them.

Can you spot the two white guys?

I was trying to get a shot of where the bridge was on the mountain. (almost the peak) Instead, here's my friend Kris.

We huffed and puffed our unfit selves up the mountain and made it to the bridge which wasn't even the peak! We hiked for what was only about 2 kilometres  but "cloud bridge" where we stopped had an elevation of 120metres... soo we were going pretty vertical.

Wolchusan means "mountain where the moon rises" in Korean. It was beautiful and the pictures really don't do it any justice. We definitely wished we were more prepared and had left earlier but that's why you should do research before going somewhere right?

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