Last weekend a large group of forwigners made their way to Boryeong, a teeny rural town for what is called "Mud Fest". We joined a Jeollanamdo tour group where a Korean dude named Pedro sets everything up for you. 2 full buses left in the pouring rain on Saturday morning and in 3 hours we were at the festival. It was a small area but complete with mud basins, a mud prison (you go in a cage and they chuck buckets of mud at you), a slide, and various pools for mud wrestling. I wasn't into the length of the lines so we mostly just threw mud at each other for an hour or so and got into the mud prison. The event was pretty insane- about half of the attendees were foreigners but that didn't stop Koreans from stopping us to take pictures of the crazy muddy white people. Afterwards, swarms of people went into the ocean to wash off some of the mud. We found out a few days later that the water is infested with hammerheads and great whites... FUUUUN. Any way, it was a short but worthwhile trip and quite the whirlwind.
It was really foggy but the firework show must go on